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Posted by Greg Hughes on

2024 Annual Ascent NB Report

Below is Ascent NB’s 2024 Annual Report. To avoid interminable presentations around the fire during the AGM, below are the Ascent NB 2024 AGM updates. Some will be discussed on September 14th and others will be limited to this written update.
A huge thanks to Backtrails Radical Edge, River and Trail, Fredericton Bouldering Co-op, Graystone Brewing and Fitrocks for their contributions to the 2024 Ascent NB AGM.

1. Membership

  • At the time of “print”, there are 215 Ascent NB members registered this year. The yearly registration is from April 1 to March 31.
  • As a reminder, children under the age of 16 don’t need a membership if climbing with their parent/guardian and their parent/guardian has a membership.

2. Election

  • This year the following positions were up for re-election:
    • Exec – Vice-President - held by Philippe Labbé;
    • Exec – Secretary - held by Alexandre Caouette;
    • Board – Director - held by Joe Kennedy;
    • Board – Director - held by Shawn Bethune; and
    • Board – Director - held by Sophia Konermann.
  • The AGM notice was sent on August 7th seeking candidatures. This notice set out the deadline for the submissions of candidature;
  • All incumbents except Joe Kennedy (Board) reoffered. Thank you for your hard work since 2013, Joe!
  • Céleste Gaudet of the Fredericton region submitted her candidacy. She is acclaimed and will be taking Joe Kennedy’s seat on the Board. Welcome Céleste!
  • As such, all other individuals above are acclaimed and their respective mandates are renewed for 2 years.

3. Resignation

  • Luke Perrin has resigned his position on the Executive as the Crag Stewardship Coordinator. The Executive will appoint a replacement to finish the 1-year left on his mandate. Stay tuned!

4. Access

  • Access remains unchanged at most areas and is generally very good;
  • Make sure to call in when climbing at one of the Welsford crags (Cochrane Lane, Sunnyside, Mount Douglas and Bald Peak).

5. Development

  • Since last year’s AGM, many first ascents have been established;
  • The hardware on those routes adds up. Developers in addition to devoting their time, energy and effort should not also incur a financial hit when putting these up for the community. As such, please consider contributing by sending a donation via Etransfer to ascentnbdevelopmentfund@gmail.com

6. Icefest 2024

  • Icefest was held at the Hatchery of Parlee Brook in February. Many new and old faces were seen and the event gave a chance to entry-level climbers to try ice for the first time.
  • Experienced climbers also benefited from the event by receiving wonderful advice from experienced Québec ice climbers Stas Beskin and Caroline Ouellette.
  • The evening was topped off with a slideshow presentation and a nice outdoor fire.
  • This will likely become an annual event.

7. Red Rock Rendezvous

  • The Red Rock Rendezvous was held at Red Rock Mountain in April.
  • This event provided approximately 50 climbers with an opportunity to try outdoor climbing in a safe space.
  • Plans are to make this even an annual event.


  • This policy is one of Ascent’s foundational documents. As such, we are constantly seeking to improve it.
  • Any feedback is appreciated. There is a Climber’s feedback form that can be found pinned in Ascent NB’s Facebook page

9. Adopt-A-Crag

  • In 2024, Ascent created an “Adopt-A-crag” program similar to the “Adopt-AHighway” programs found throughout North America.
  • The purpose of the program is to help keep our climbing areas in good condition. In order to do that we need help from members of our climbing community.
  • Our goal is to have at least one person assigned to each of the crags on the list below.
  • At this time, not every crag has been adopted. Also, Cochrane Lane needs at least 3 volunteers. If you want to adopt a crag or for more information, please send us an email: ascentnb@gmail.com.
  • List of duties include the following:
    • Removal of trash;
    • Reporting or fixing hardware concerns, (loose, or rusty bolts, anchors in need of replacement, etc.); 
    • Maintaining trails (trimming branches, moving dead trees off the trail);
    • Cleaning established climbing routes.
  • The crags and their sponsors so far:
    • Greenlaw - Todd Watts
    • Greenhead Cove - Henry and Stacie Yates
    • Hampton - Greg Hughes
    • Sunnyside - Dom Caron
    • Cochrane Lane - Greg Hughes,
    • Mcquirks -
    • Utopia - Will Groom
    • Red Rock Mountain -
    • Cedar Point -
    • Glen Falls - Brett Langis
    • Mount Douglas -
    • Bear Mountain -
    • Eagle Rock –
  • As a reminder, every climber must keep crags clean. Make sure to pack out everything you packed in. Together we can keep NB crags clean and free of trash!

10. Annual General Meeting Agenda
Prior to beginning the annual general meeting, Ascent NB Board Members will run through the procedure and parameters of the meeting.

  • Call meeting to order
  • Land acknowledgement
  • Recording of attendance
  • Approval of minutes (date of last AGM minutes)
  • Approval of the agenda
  • President’s update
  • Business matters
  • Appointment of Ascent NB Board of Director and Executive positions
  • Approval of 2024 Annual Report
  • Finance Report
  • Other business
  • Adjournment