Time to renew your Ascent membership for 2018!

Time to renew your Ascent membership for 2018!

We're now into the 2018 season and as such many members will find their memberships have expired.  Please take a moment to renew your membership today! Standard memberships are $40. You are eligible for a $20 off discount if you are a member of either Fit Rocks Climbing Gym or UNB Rock and Ice Club.  You can send us an email money transfer to ascentnb@gmail.com.

Remember, being a member of Ascent New Brunswick comes with its rewards, such as:
  • special access privilege to CFB Gagetown cliffs all year-round,
  • access to member pricing on all levels of rock and ice climbing classes,
  • access to events at the Welsford Rendezous in September,
  • the knowledge that you're supporting a grass-roots organization that maintains access to climbing areas in New Brunswick as its sole focus.