Time to renew your Ascent membership for 2018!
We're now into the 2018 season and as such many members will find their memberships have expired. Please take a moment to renew your membership today! Standard memberships are $40. You are eligible for a $20 off discount if you are a member of either Fit Rocks Climbing Gym or UNB Rock and Ice Club. You can send us an email money transfer to ascentnb@gmail.com.
Remember, being a member of Ascent New Brunswick comes with its rewards, such as:
- special access privilege to CFB Gagetown cliffs all year-round,
- access to member pricing on all levels of rock and ice climbing classes,
- access to events at the Welsford Rendezous in September,
- the knowledge that you're supporting a grass-roots organization that maintains access to climbing areas in New Brunswick as its sole focus.