Joint Executive Board Meeting – April 17, 2014

Attendees: Adam Morgan, Marty Theriault, Chris Norfolk, Greg Hughes (via video)

Absent due to technical difficulty: Steve Adamson, Joe Kennedy

Preparing to Meet with C.F.B. Gagetown RepresentativesAscent NB Logo - Black/White

Marty to meet with base representatives on Thursday the 24th. He will present our view on an access agreement and discuss our approach to:

  • Providing general liability insurance for our members
  • A volunteer rescue plan that meets base needs (discussed below)
  • Identifying our members through cards and/or dashboard stickers

Marty will try and review some of the rich history of climbing in the area. The plan is for him to approach this informal meeting on his own but he’ll need others to attend a formal follow-up meeting once we’ve got a clear view on how to proceed.

Discussing the Ascent NB Rescue Plan Draft

We reviewed the major elements of the draft rescue plan. Agreed in principle to keep it simple and small in scope. We agreed on proposing:

  • To cover all crags on C.F.B. Gagetown property
  • To assume responsibility for delivering injured/stranded climbers to level ground where ropes are no longer required. At that point we’d transfer responsibility to traditional emergency responders.
  • A text-message based communication protocol to a group of core-rescuers. Both range control and 911 would be offered a contact list.
  • Core rescuers will be guaranteed competent in high-angle rescue. We will organize at least one workshop / year.

Membership Update

After a week Chris reported that the membership drive is going well. 25 people have registered and paid and a steady daily flow is coming in related to keeping new posts going on Facebook. Many are opting to donate additional funds through both the ‘leader’ member class or via a custom amount. Very encouraging.

Adam suggested that we either discourage the use of Paypal or pass the 3% cost onto the members. Chris suggested we absorb it for now due to ease of use and look into a different model next year if needed. Adam suggested using the �������cube’ for cellphone based credit card transactions. Might be a good way of on-the-spot payments. Chris will investigate.

Financial Update

Anticipating total costs for the year approaching $4,000… mostly driven by insurance. Chris to do a budget for the next meeting.

Currently secured funds:

  • Membership contributions after 1 week approx $500
  • UNB Rock & Ice has committed to $1250

Potential avenues to explore:

  • Kickstarter campaign - Greg
  • MEC Community Grant Application (fall) - Chris
  • Salesforce - $1000 volunteer pledge - Adam
  • Local business partners  - Marty
  • NBCC SJ Club - Steve
  • RBloc - Greg
  • Climbers who own their own businesses - Marty

CRA account number - Chris to ask Dom what he’s done already

JDI Access Agreement

Chris reported that the discussion is still ongoing but the relationship is good. JDI has asked us to provide up to 5 million in general liability coverage but Chris will try and negotiate (waivers, signage, good safety record). JDI is preparing signage to go up in several areas and has sent a draft. Chris will suggest possibility of including Ascent NB logo on the message.

Hatchery Access Update

Greg is very hopeful that next year we can proceed without a call-in. Instead, we’ll have a means to identify cars of ANB members. Marty and Greg will be dealing with the landowner to relocate the access trail to a less visible location such as to avoid tourist traffic. Greg will prepare a website post recapping the successful story of the Hatchery for next Wed. as part of our membership drive.

T-Shirt Update

Joe will need to update us on this. Chris thinks we should have enough cash flow to make a purchase within a few weeks after we pay our first insurance installment. Chris heard a lot of comments from women about getting nice looking alternatives for them. Might want to consult an actual girl for the selection?

Membership Identification

We’re aiming to have in place for this summer a membership card and dashboard plate for members to identify themselves on base and at other locations. Should aim for a solution that���s less than $0.50 each.

Changes to Constitution

Greg proposes we adopt more mature and formal language in our constitution surrounding the positions of officers (sherpas, guides, ivory tower). Our potential partners are looking at our online materials and this shouldn���t be something that raises questions. Chris Seconds. Adam will ask Dom for his advice and if there are no issues the exec will make the amendment. Marty agrees.

Meeting Adjourned